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Lime Down Solar Park – update


The following update is taken from a newsletter published by the Lime Down Solar Park project.

Advance notice of dates of next stage of consultation on detailed plans 

Project overview  

Because the anticipated generation capacity of Lime Down Solar Park exceeds 50MW it is classified as a (UK) Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). The development consenting regime for an NSIP comes under the Planning Act 2008, which means we need to apply to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for a development consent order (DCO) to build Lime Down Solar Park.

Before submitting our application for development consent, we must carry out statutory consultation in accordance with the Planning Act 2008.  

Statutory Consultation – 29 January to 19 March 2025

The proposals we’re going to be consulting on have been informed by comments submitted to the first stage of consultation we held in 2024, together with findings from ongoing environmental and technical surveys.  

This second stage of consultation is intended to provide people with the opportunity to provide feedback on these more detailed proposals for the Project. Comments will be invited on areas including:  

·         The location of the built elements of the Project including solar panels and the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). 

·         The refined cable route search corridor in which an underground cable would be installed to connect the solar sites to the national grid at Melksham substation. 

·         Measures we are proposing to reduce the environmental effects of the Project. 

We will use the views and comments submitted this consultation, together with the findings from our ongoing environmental and technical assessments, to help finalise the application we then submit for development consent to PINS.  

The details of our updated proposals will be made available when statutory consultation launches on Wednesday 29 January 2025. The consultation will then be open for a period of seven weeks, with the deadline to provided views and comments being 23.59 on Wednesday 19 March 2025.  

Public information events

Over the course of the consultation, we will be holding a series of in-person information events at venues in the local area as well as online webinars. Details of the events being held are as follows:

·         Wednesday 05 February 2025 18:30 – 20:00 
Online (Zoom) – register to attend via Project website (from Wednesday 29 January 2025)

·         Friday 07 February 2025 14:30 – 19:30
Sherston Village Hall, High Street, Sherston, Malmesbury, SN16 0LQ 

·         Saturday 08 February 2025 11:00 – 15:00
Hullavington Village Hall, Hill Hayes Lane, Hullavington, Chippenham, SN14 6EB 

·         Wednesday 12 February 2025 14:30 – 19:30
Grittleton Village Hall, The Street, Grittleton, Chippenham, SN14 6AW

·         Thursday 13 February 2025 14:30 – 19:30
Corsham Town Council Hall, Town Hall, 65 High Street, Corsham, SN13 0EZ 

·         Friday 14 February 2025 14:30 – 19:30
Malmesbury Town Hall, Cross Hayes, Malmesbury, SN16 9BZ 

·         Saturday 15 February 2025 11:00 – 15:00
Luckington Village Hall, Bristol Road, Luckington, Chippenham, SN14 6NP 

·         Tuesday 25 February 2025 14:30 – 19:30
Goss Croft Hall, Startley Road, Upper Seagry, Chippenham, SN15 5HD

·         Wednesday 26 February 2025 17:30 – 20:30
Shaw CofE Primary School, Corsham Road, Shaw, Melksham, SN12 8EQ

·         Thursday 27 February 2025 18:30 – 20:30
Online (Zoom) – register to attend via Project website (from Wednesday 29 January 2025) 

In-person information events will take the form of a drop-in session at which interested parties will be able to view copies of the consultation documents, maps and plans and speak with members of the Project team. Anyone wishing to do so will be able to join one of the online events, which will take the form of a webinar, via telephone of the internet. These will take the form of a presentation followed by a moderated question and answer session.  

Finding out more

The Project website will be updated when the consultation launches on Wednesday 29 January 2025 with information about what we are consulting on and the option for people to submit their feedback and comments online.  

Copies of all the documents and materials we have prepared to support the consultation, along with reference copies of the technical reports we have produced, will be available to view and download from the website, with printed copies also being made available at in-person information events.  

Publicising the consultation

In advance of consultation launching we continue to encourage individuals to visit the Project website here where they can register their details to receive updates about the Project directly. We will contact registrants directly to let them know where they can find information about the consultation, what we’re consulting on and how they can take part when it launches.  

A leaflet will be mailed to over 10,000 homes and business in proximity of the Project from Monday 27 January 2025 to let them know where they can find information, what we’re consulting on and how they can get involved.  

We will also be engaging with regional media to secure editorial coverage alongside paid for advertisements, while posters will be distributed to local community and public venues.  

How we’re consulting  

Ahead of consultation launching, in accordance with the Planning Act 2008, we have published a Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC). The SoCC explains how we intend to carry out statutory consultation with local communities, share information about and invite feedback on the Project. A digital copy of this document is available to view and download from the Project website here, while printed copies have been lodged at a selection of local community access points as follows:  

·         Corsham Library
Springfield Community Campus, Beechfield Road, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9DN 

·         Melksham Library 
Melksham Community Campus, Market Place, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6ES 

·         Malmesbury Library 
24 Cross Hayes, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 9BG 

·         Chippenham Library 
Timber Street, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3EJ 

Copies of the community consultation documents providing information about what we’re consulting on, along with reference copies of the technical reports we have produced, will be available to view at these same venues from Wednesday 29 January 2025.  

Next steps

If you have any questions about our approach to consultation or would like to discuss anything further you can contact us by calling the freephone information line 0808 175 6656 or sending an email to   

Lime Down Solar Park indicative masterplan