A Green Infrastructure Strategy for Wiltshire

Wiltshire Council has recently appointed Chris Blandford Associates (CBA) to help develop a Green Infrastructure Strategy for Wiltshire.
As Green Infrastructure is a cross-cutting issue, the Strategy will need to be shaped by engaging with a range of organisations and professions reflecting a broad range of agendas – including economic growth, development and regeneration; low carbon economy; transport; public health and well-being; recreation; tourism; agriculture; biodiversity and heritage conservation.
The aim of the Strategy is to provide a framework for the planning, design and management of Green Infrastructure across Wiltshire, in order to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits. Among other things, it will seek to identify opportunities and priorities for stakeholders to take action to create and improve Green Infrastructure in ways that can help combat climate change. The Green Infrastructure Strategy will inform the new Local Plan (which is currently being reviewed), so that opportunities identified through the strategy may be supported by planning policy and guidance for Wiltshire.
CPRE and other stakeholders attended an initial meeting held in Trowbridge in February. The aim is to help shape the approach to developing and delivering the Green Infrastructure Strategy.
We will make sure information on the progress of this issue is regularly updated.