Earth Day at Langford Lakes

This took place on Saturday 20th April at Langford Lakes Nature Reserve, Steeple Langford, SP3 4PA
We had a great afternoon at Langford Lakes with tea and cake to celebrate Earth Day!
Our speakers were:
Suzanne Keene – chair of CPRE South Wiltshire. About the CPRE and the work we’ve been doing this last year.
Lynn Trigwell – Head of climate and environment at Wiltshire Council. Balancing the challenges and opportunities for our environment in Wiltshire.
Alex Atkinson – Alex oversees the management of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trusts 20 southern reserves. Restoring natural processes – practical examples for a managed landscape.
Peter Thompson. Now “retired”, amongst many other activities, Peter is Chair of the Salisbury & District Natural History Society. The countryside’s future: my shot at seeing the wood through the trees
Everybody learnt so much and there were a lot of questions asked, we hope you can join us next year.