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Sign up to receive the latest news from CPRE Wiltshire


Our e-newsletter has been launched and many of you will have received the first delivery direct to your inbox.

We will be sending it out once a month with a link to our top stories and the latest information on events including the chance to be the first in the queue for tickets.

We’ll also be sending out breaking news alerts so if you want to be the first to know about huge issues like the campaign to stop the Stonehenge tunnel then make sure you sign up!

We are always looking for people with something to say to write for us. Whether it’s a particular campaign in which you are involved or a hobby or interest you can share and get others involved, we want to hear from you.

You can sign up to the newsletter at the bottom of our homepage and you don’t have to be a member to receive it.

If you want to find out more about CPRE Wiltshire and how you can get involved, click here 

We’re always after people who can help us with our campaign to protect our beautiful countryside, from volunteering to fundraising or getting involved through your company or workplace.