Plastics Recycling

Wiltshire Council’s new contract with Hills Waste Services was signed before the Blue Planet series on television.
As well as plastic bottles that were already collected from the kerbside, Hills began collecting the less valuable plastic pots, tubs and trays and food and drink cartons from the kerb-side. These materials, along with paper, cardboard, food and drink cans and textiles are now collected from the blue lidded bin. Glass bottles and jars are still collected from the black box.
This is in line with the Government’s aim and Wiltshire Council’s aim to reduce, reuse and re-cycle more as a way of conserving raw materials, reducing carbon emissions and reducing the amount sent to landfill.
Seeing fish and birds eating plastic on David Attenborough’s Blue Planet programme has brought home to viewers the need to do something to reduce the use of plastic and make sure it does not get into the oceans and harm wildlife. Hopefully there will be less and less plastic for disposal.
Wiltshire Council also has a contract with Hills Waste Services for the sorting of the recyclable materials that are collected and their onward delivery to end markets. At present plastic bottles are delivered to Loughborough and Rochester, Kent where they are sorted, graded and granulated before being sold on to the worldwide market.
The markets for recyclable materials are increasingly global and Hills Waste Services will continue to seek the best value for the recyclable materials that are collected once the new contracts commence.
For updates, you can sign up to this waste registration form.
Lets hope the jungle drums beat loud enough for those not on the internet.